Meet Melissa Fox
If you’re a regular on the Facebook Page you’ll already know about my PA Melissa Fox. Recently I was in Asia and wanted to make sure we made a video together so you can meet her properly.
I’m really proud to be able to say that over the last three years Melissa has taken her image making from complete beginner to super creative portrait photographer and that my training courses and free videos have played a part in that.
Consequently Melissa really knows her way around my training and can always point you in the right direction when I’m not available to do so personally.
Melissa began helping me in 2012 and since then her role has grown considerably. When I started out I could reply to comments on Facebook, Youtube and by email myself, but as the number of you lovely people has grown I simply can’t keep up – and I don’t want you to be left un-answered.
Besides helping me stay in touch with everyone Melissa webmasters my site making sure everything works as it should. With hundreds of pages of photo stuff now - that’s a large task in itself.
More recently Melissa has started helping me reply to all the lovely comments and questions posted on Youtube. As always, you can see which of us is replying to you because we always put our names in capital letters at the end of each reply.
Without you I couldn’t do what I do. I hope it’s working both ways and I’m helping you to achieve what you want with your photography. I can personally vouch for Melissa’s expertise to help you guys and girls, her passion for photography and her passion to inspire people to fulfill their own goals and ambitions.