Photo Creative

Free Photography Challenges And Feedback Sessions

Each month a new new photo challenge is issued to our Facebook group as a project for you to work on, developing your camera and creative skills.

The group is a lively, supportive community of over 6,000 photographers of all levels. Monthly live feedback sessions accompany each challenge on my Youtube channel.

Current challenge, dates etc below... ⬇️

Make a donation - support the community

It's not expected - but it is very much appreciated

We all like to be paid for our work and expertise. If you have gotten value from theses challenges please consider making a small monthly donation equivalent cost of coffee and cake once a month. It's very little to ask and when enough of you do it - it keeps the group going.

Current Challenge: Sense Of Movement

This month I'm looking for images which convey a sense of movement. That could be something moving or a more abstract idea of moving such as in life, making progress. If you choose the latter, the sense of moving forward (or backwards) must be made clear from the image, not just the caption.

We've all seen blurry water cascading over rocks or waves on the shore many times so try not to be cliche'd with your image. If you do choose a 'cliche' image, make sure it's a cracker.

Here are five tips to capture images with a sense of movement, whether you want to freeze the action or create a blur effect:

1. Use a Fast Shutter Speed to Freeze Action. To capture sharp, clear images of fast-moving subjects, set your camera to a fast shutter speed. This technique is ideal for sports photography, wildlife, or any scene where you want to stop the motion and capture a crisp image. You may need to experiment to find a speed which freezes a subject - depending on how fast it is moving.

2. Employ a Slow Shutter Speed for Motion Blur. To create a sense of movement through blur, use a slow shutter speed. This technique works well for photographing flowing water, moving cars, or bustling crowds. To avoid camera shake, use a tripod or other method to ensure your camera does not move during an exposure. You will have to experiment to find the speed which gives you the amount of blur you want.

3. Panning Technique. For a dynamic sense of motion, try panning with your subject. Set a moderate shutter speed and follow your subject as it moves across the frame. This will keep your subject sharp while the background blurs, emphasising the movement. You will have to experiment to find the speed which keeps the subject sharp whilst blurring the background.

4. Leading Lines and Composition. This can create a visual flow and enhance the sense of movement. Position your subject in a way that the composition suggests direction and speed.

5. Experiment with Light and Multiple Exposures. Play with light trails in low-light situations by using a long exposure. This is great for capturing the motion of cars at night or stars moving across the sky. Alternatively, use the multiple exposure setting on your camera to combine several frames of a moving subject into one image, which can create a unique and dynamic sense of motion.

Bonus Tip: Focus on Details. Sometimes capturing the smaller details of a moving subject, like the splash of water droplets or the flutter of a bird’s wings, can effectively convey motion. Use burst mode to take multiple shots in quick succession to increase your chances of capturing the perfect moment.

And don't forget, light is always king. If the qualities of light aren't appropriate to the subject, the image will be mediocre at best. If you're struggling with light and its qualities, week 4 module 10 of my Masterclass In Photography will revolutionise your images.

Have fun. Dates and times below...

1443 Iceland 22-199 copy1366 Geoghan-93 copy1316 Myanmar 304 copy1322 Lanz 2015-438 copy1402 CamNam Workshop-211 copy1421 BMX Test-81 copy

Ideas and examples...

For more inspiration complete one of my online courses or join me in person on a photo-workshop

Info, dates and times...

  • Join the Photo Creative Facebook group
  • Upload 1 entry to the Sense Of Movement album (available 1 week before closing date)
  • Add a few words about your image in the description
  • CLOSES FOR ENTRIES: 11.59pm GMT - Sunday 28th July [UK Time]
  • LIVE FEEDBACK: 7.00pm GMT - Thursday 1st August [UK Time]


Feedback is on my YouTube. A link will be shared in the group to a Youtube live stream a couple of days beforehand.

Not everyone will get a mention, but you can get regular feedback and more by joining my Picture Perfect Mentor Group.


  • ONE image per person per challenge
  • Upload your image to designated album in the Facebook group by 23:59pm [UK Time] on the closing date of each challenge
  • Include the weekly #hashtag in the text field and a caption which includes the challenge title
  • Challenge albums will be open 1 week before challenge closes

No archive or AI images

Please shoot for the challenge. We learn and grow by doing - not sitting back and being lazy. Archive and AI images will be discounted.

For guaranteed feedback, mentoring and more

Join my picture perfect private group...

Find Out

Photo Creative was only intended to be for 12 weeks and stemmed from a time in people's lives where they really had to re-evaluate their approach to photography, and life in general! - Lockdown.
Today it has grown to be a supportive, inspirational and fun - ever growing group of like-minded budding and experienced photographers alike!
Good luck, don't be shy and get stuck in! I look forward to seeing your images...
Best wishes

Mike signature


PS: Sign up to my newsletter below so you never miss challenges, inspiring stories, tips and other good stuff...

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