Mike Browne Interviewed by Gary Gough

7 Building Blocks of Photography 2

Under normal circumstances social isolation is a great friend of mine. It’s a wonderful opportunity for taking a step back from the everyday chaos, slow down a bit, learn something new, maybe go shoot some images just for the joy of it. But right now circumstances are not normal. [March 2020]

People all over the world are in a state of flux and uncertainty which if we’re not careful, can be overwhelming. It’s important we keep things real, in perspective and support each other as much as we can. Finding ways to stay calm and stimulated can be challenging when we’re cooped up.

I believe having a sense of purpose makes a world of difference and Gary Gough really helped bring mine to life when he interviewed me for his Youtube channel

If you don’t know him, Gary is a wedding, portrait and landscape photographer / Youtuber with a real feel for both photography - and the people who love it. I believe this brought out the best in me and resulted in an engaging conversation that you’ll find interesting.

These are uncertain times and whilst life will be challenging for many of us, it’s vital we don’t become paralysed by fear of the unknown. Fear is the mind killer and renders us ineffective and it makes us behave irrationally. Just look at the panic buying that’s been overloading supply and leaving little behind for the wonderful health workers who are risking their lives for us. 


You can’t calm the storm, so stop trying. 
What you can do is calm yourself.
The storm will pass.

[Buddhist Boot Camp by Timber Hawkeye]

How are you going to keep mentally fit during uncertain times? I suggest you stay away from social media and apart from the headlines, stay away from the news media’s constant repetition which only escalates anxiety. (Personally, I check government and official health sites and actively avoid news and social media rumour mongering.)

So what are you going to do to stay balanced about the situation we find ourselves in? Now is actually a great opportunity to reinvest yourself in your photography. You can practise that anywhere. These two were taken in the kitchen… 



The most typical excuse I hear is ‘I haven’t got time’... Well no excuses now! 

In person events are obviously off the table for a while. I’m working hard to bring you exciting new stuff to help you stay active, practise and grow your photography... We’re in this together and I want to help you get as many positives out of it as I can. Let’s use this difficult time to create something, instead of just worrying about things we can’t control. 

Take care...

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