Claire Thomas Interview - Photo Biker 7
Many long years ago I packed in a well paid job, sold anything that didn't fit in a rucksack and bought a one way ticket to the other side of the world to see what would happen. Many adventures later a life changing conversation in Africa lead me back to the UK to change my hobby into a living. The plan was to use photography as a vehicle to see, experience and tell stories about this beautiful world we live in. I'm one of the luckiest guys in the world to have experienced the things I have.
An hour chatting with Claire was a great learning experience and just makes me want to go do more of it.
When Claire was shooting images of her brother thrashing about on his bike, did you notice how little mental energy spent on camera settings? She just did it instinctively, intuitively. When I asked her about them, she furrowed her brow and had to think for a moment. Claire and camera were one entity. Just like your had and cup are when you take a sip of tea. You don't think about it, you just do it - and explaining how you do it would make your brow furrow too.
All of Claire's attention was on the photography. Which angle to shoot from, light, composition, capturing Gavin at just the right moment and being present to the environment. Did you notice how she spotted the bags by the track (25:08) and not wanting them to spoil a shot, moved - quickly? Photography isn't about kit, gadgets, apps and settings. If your mind is full of that stuff you will miss the moment and miss things like bags encroaching on your composition.
Besides the obvious (it's a bloke on an off road motorbike) - what do you see and feel when you look at these images? (I'm not talking settings here BTW)
Was it more than just a bloke on a bike? Did you get a sense of...
- Place / location?
- Time of day?
- Temperature?
- Drama?
- Excitement?
To get any of these into a photo you have to be fully present to the situation, place, what's happening, and to use Claire's words. "Be quick." If your relationship with your camera isn't effortless and easy you can't do do it. You'll be too busy figuring settings.
There are only about 5 things on a camera you need, a few handy features are bonuses. Using light, composition, where to stand and when to click, which setting is primary for the shot you want all come from you, not the camera. Could Claire's images, mostly taken under extreme pressure and circumstance, tell the stories they do if half he mind was trying to figure which settings to use?
I can can help you with that easy effortless relationship with your camera, light and composition any time you like. Once you have the info in the correct sequence to make sense and work smoothly, it's easy. All you have to do is practise, practise, practise and get 'quick'. My Masterclass In Photography is the first step on that journey. Check it out. You can try a free sample if you like and I'll give you your money back if you don't find it valuable.
See you next time.
PS: Rajendran Valappil said...
I have been taking photos for many years and attended courses before. After completing “MasterClass”, I can confidently say that this is one of the best I have ever done.
Mike’s approach is drastically different and very refreshing. He shifts the focus from the camera to the skills of the photographer (which is what matters) with a simple, straight forward, no-nonsense approach, which anyone with a little practice can easily make use of.
The energy, enthusiasm, drive and child-like curiosity he shows in the video tutorials amazed me since he has been doing this for ages. I would strongly recommend this course to anyone.