Research And Plan A Photo Location - Photo Biker 16
As photographers, we have to get in the habit of planning and doing research. And, I don’t mean sitting at a computer - that would be dull as dishwater for us creatives. We have to get out there and test out our photoshoot ideas.
Though we can still enjoy spur-of-the-moment opportunities when we are out and about, planning and research allow us to really make the most of a subject, location or idea that we have.
That’s why I often block out a morning here, or an afternoon there to go off and research with my camera - is that something you do?
From location scouting to conducting photography experiments, it’s all crucial to getting THE shot. In this video, I head out on my motorbike to do just that.
Join me as I head towards Southampton Water - a tidal estuary local to me. We’ll be getting creative on a Public Hard. A what?! It’s probably not what you are thinking! Watch the video and I’ll explain…
We’ll explore what it means to really research your photoshoot ideas.
Research requires you to use your photographer’s brain and look for potential in the environment around you. It’s also about milking the location; trying as many angles as you can before you move on. As this is a research trip - you are location planning - so dabble as much as possible while you are there.
On top of this, I’ll give you some tips on lighting, composition, exposure settings, aperture and focal length.
If you’ve realised your knowledge of photography isn’t quite up to par, allowing you the space to simply be creative, then consider my Masterclass in Photography course. It’s important to understand how light and composition work together - harmoniously if you get it right. As well as what settings do what…
Remember, when you are planning and researching photoshoot ideas, or location scouting, you don’t want to be fiddling about with your camera. You need to be confident and comfortable to focus your brain on the creative process, not the technical one!
Best wishes...