How to make a Video

7 Building Blocks of Photography 2

This How to make a video film is really aimed at our lovely subscribers many of whom have asked me to come and set up photography workshops where they live. And that can be in the UK or overseas. (Click this link if you'd like a photography workshop where you live.)

It helps to have some video to promote it so this is an introduction on how to go about it and where to begin. And we're only using a mobile phone to do it because the same principals apply for any camera.

We're going to show you how to make a short promotional video. You can watch me shooting the footage and explaining what I'm doing and why. Then we'll show you what it looks like once it's been edited together.

If you've never shot video before and don't know where to begin this is a kind of introduction and exercise to get you thinking slightly differently because making a video is an additional skill set to shooting stills - but they do overlap. Composition, light and using focal length are all the same principles and should be used in the same way.

The intention of this how to make a video film is to show you that provided you shoot the right kind of footage it can still be edited together to make sense. The way to do it is to shoot lots of 10 second clips and join them together. Even mediocre footage will work to get the point across with this method and in this video I'll prove it.

Don't just wave the camera about pointing it at anything and everything in sight whilst zooming in and out all the time. Regardless of how expensive your camera is it'll look a mess.

The biggest difference is that stills photography is capturing a moment in time and you only have the visual sense to work with. Video has more. There's also sound which is very very important. Especially if you're making a promotional video then chances are you'll need someone speaking to explain what's going on.

Even if it's a holiday video recording sound from the place where you are adds atmosphere to the video. Keeping quiet yourself and recording the sound of a place is more evocative of that place than silence or music along. In the film / TV industry this is called recording 'Atmos' and it's common place to record several minutes of it which can be added under music or voice over in the edit.

We're not going into making a slick professional video here, these is intended to show people who want to help me promote a workshop where to begin. If you've stumbled across this page by chance you should still find it helpful.

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