Converging verticals

7 Building Blocks of Photography 2

Converging verticals can look exciting and dramatic if you want to use the effect of 'towering' trees and buildings - but what if you want them straight up and down?

These two pics were taken moments apart with ordinary lenses. I didn't use a specialist shift / tilt lens and they weren't corrected in the computer either.

Provided you have a bit of space, know what causes converging verticals and know how to use your focal lengths (or zoom) properly it's easy to minimise them - and even get rid of them altogether.

Converging verticals is not actually caused by the lens. It's more to do with the angle of your camera's sensor relative to whatever you're photographing which you can manage best by being in the right place for the shot you're about to take. This isn't always possible but if you can move about and work with your lens you can minimise the effect.

In this video watch me take both these pictures (and a couple more in between) to show you how it's done and how easy it can be to manage converging verticals.

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