Window Lighting Pt. 2
In window light part 1 we had a look at why and how window light is such a great source of photographic lighting even on nasty wet days. Now lets explore Tasha's house and see what we can come up with in the way of window lit portraits.
We wanted to make sure you understand it doesn't matter what sort of house you live in so these shots were all taken in an everyday house not somewhere with big glass frontages or neat open plan living spaces.
By using your focal lengths to enhance composition and isolate the subject in the photo you want to take you can shoot great portraits in any house that has windows. The best ones are windows which face away from the sun because the light's softer and easier to work with.
And you the photographer doesn't even have to be in side the house when you're shooting. You can still exploit amazing free window lighting from the garden and shooting in through a window.
When you're shooting in side with a window the light may have great qualities and be good light, but that doesn't mean there's always going to be lots of it so always use a good sturdy tripod.