Free photography videos
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Captivating photos inspire and capture moments, from nature to emotion. Master your settings to express, not just capture, the subject. Please consider donating to support this valuable photography resource for all.
This video archive excels at technique research, but for a holistic learning experience, a structured course is key. Without guidance, it's all too easy to overlook critical connections, wasting time and causing frustration.
Join my online courses to save time and money. They're more affordable than the dream lens you keep thinking about and come highly recommended by hundreds of photographers.
Explore ALL our videos

Camera competent - creative confident
- Cameras & The Art Of Exposure
- Superpowers & Settings
- Focal Length - It's Magic
- Composition - It's A Dance
- Light De-mystified
- Exercises & Coaching
A Masterclass in Photgraphy

You need this if you want to...
- Find the right settings for any image
- Connect the creative & technical
- Become more visually aware
- Learn how to pre-visualise
- Make a pre-visualisation a reality
- Learn how pro photographers think
Think Like A Photographer

You need this if you want to...
- Understand what all the tools do
- Use the tools effectively
- Create stunning natural looking images
- Master selective retouching
- Develop your own style
- Know when to stop. Less is more...
Post Production Essentials

All Courses + Exclusive CDTP Video
- Masterclass in Photography - FREE
- 7 Blocks - Think Like A Photographer
- Workflow Mastery - Get Organised
- Perfect Pictures - Post Production
- EXCLUSIVE VIDEO BONUS: Cameras Don't Take Pictures Seminar filmed at 2019 Photography Show, UK 2019
In Full Focus Course Package

Photoshop Top 10 Tools
- 4 1/2 hours of video tutorials
- Setting up Photoshop
- Finding and using the tools
- Selection, layers & more...
Photoshop For Beginners

Buy this Downloadable Photography Video Course if...
- You're stuck in 'Auto' mode
- You're not getting the results you hoped for
- You often get great pics - but you're not sure how
OLDBeginners Video

Buy this Downloadable Photography eCourse if...
- You're stuck in 'Auto' mode
- You're not getting the results you hoped for
- You often get great pics - but you're not sure how
OLDBeginners Photography eBook
Online Courses
If you want to learn how to:
Get pin sharp pictures, understand composition,
watch your images comes to life, think like a photographer