Beginners photography course is good value for money, logical and well explained

12th Jan 2019

From our feedback form

Masterclass in Photography has...

Put me in control of my photography.

What are the differences before Masterclass in Photography & after?

Being more selective rather than just blasting away at everything, hoping for a keeper.

Enjoyed lying down on train tracks shooting up at the front of the Engine (I was the Driver so all safe). Saw the difference lighting has on my familiar view.

Is the course value for money?

I found it very good value for money, logical well explained and very informative without going over the top! Nice relaxed teaching approach made all the subjects enjoyable.

Would you recommend The Masterclass in Photography?

Definitely recommend this course, learn how to use your camera, even if you have owned it for a while. It is eye opening, literally. I would have liked some indoor content in the course!

Tell us about your achievements & how you feel about them:

I have now cast my eye back over previous shots and have become very critical of them, my composition was nearly always wrong!!

Anything else you'd like to say?

Learning all the time, need our beautiful New Zealand sunshine to ease off now! Very harsh.

Rod Matthews

beginners photo course


