Going through the week 8 videos I realised just how much information I had picked up
10th Jun 20197 Building Blocks has... Made me think things through.
What are the differences before 7 Blocks & after? I have been a point and shoot snapper for decades with the odd picture that stood out. Since digital arrived auto had been my go to setting.
For the past year or so I have tried aperture priority to get some creativity into my photos but not achieving what I was after.
Since taking the course I now realise that the aperture has to be used with the right focal length to get the effect I had been seeking and that these can be combined with ISO and WB to add further creativity.
What is the course worth to you? My initial thoughts were that the course was a bit expensive for a collection of videos, much like many available free on the internet but going through the week 8 videos I realised just how much information I had picked up due to the structured nature of the course.
Would you recommend The 7 Blocks? Yes! It gets you thinking methodically about what you are photographing and what you are trying to achieve in the final picture ie. think like a photographer.
Tell us about your achievements (Published / sold / 100s of likes etc.): At the time I started the course I had 4 of my photos in a display being put on by my local U3A digital photography group.
As I progressed through the course, I became more aware of what I could have done to improve the photos I had on display.
Anything else you'd like to say? Really looking forward to attending the July "Cameras don't take pictures" day in Winchester to soak up more of Mike's great knowledge.