Image ©Copyright Notice

No images by Mike Browne / Picture This (Imaging) LTD or from PhotographyCourses.Biz website may be resold, reproduced or transmitted or re-distributed in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without the express written, dated and signed permission from the authors and ©copyright owners (Mike Browne).

  • All Rights Reserved
  • Any unauthorised broadcasting, public performance, copying or re-recording will constitute an infringement of copyright.

Please contact Mike Browne or his representative to inquire about use of any images created and / or owned by Mike Browne / Picture This (Imaging) LTD / PhotographyCourses.Biz website.

The quickest way to contact us is using the form on the contact page.

Lets talk and arrange something that works for us both.

Thank you

Mike signature